
Abstract submission

Abstract submission are now CLOSED.

Abstract submission deadline:  Monday 10 June 2024, 11.59pm Brisbane (AEST)
Notification of acceptance/regrets:  Friday 19 July 2024

Please read all information on this page before submitting your abstract.

Important Notes:

  • The first author listed for each abstract is considered to be the presenting author who will be the primary contact for all correspondence regarding the abstract.
  • Presenting authors are responsible for proofreading before submission. No edits will be allowed in submitted abstracts for typing, spelling, or grammatical errors.
  • Abstracts which are not correctly formatted will not be reviewed.
  • Abstracts must be submitted in English.
Guidelines for abstract submission

Research abstracts are eligible, whether or not their content has been presented at meetings of other scientific societies, as long as they meet the following criteria:

  • relevant to the field of pharmacoepidemiology as broadly defined
  • results have not been published (except in abstract form) either on-line or in printed full form before January 1 of the year of the meeting, and
  • results have not been presented at a previous ISPE meeting.
Presentation types

Oral presentation:

15 minutes (10 minutes for presentation and 5 minutes questions).

Presenting in-person at the University of Tokyo, Japan.


Poster presentation: 

Presenting in-person at the University of Tokyo, Japan. In-person presenters will print an A0 (1189 mm high x 841 mm wide) size poster to display in the poster gallery and must be in attendance at their poster at a specific time to discuss with interested attendees. 


Spotlight Posters: 

A number of notable posters will be pre-selected for the Spotlight Poster Session. These poster presenters will be invited to deliver a 3-minute oral description of their work in English, followed by audience discussions moderated by a senior ISPE member. No slides can be used in describing the work, and the 3-minute time limit will be strictly enforced.

Successful presenters will be notified on Friday 19 July 2024.


Abstract submission topics

Topics for abstract submission are:

A.  Benefit-Risk Assessment, Communication and Evaluation (BRACE)

B.  Biologics / Biosimilars

C.  Disease Epidemiology / Clinical Course

D.  Drug Effectiveness

E.  Drug Utilization Research 

F.  Environmental Pharmacoepidemiology

G.  Geriatric Pharmacoepidemiology

H.  Health Economics / Outcomes Research

I.  Health Equity

J.  Informatics

K.  Methods in Pharmacoepidemiology 

L.  Molecular Epidemiology / Biomarkers / Pharmacogenetics

M. Medical Devices

N. Pediatric Pharmacoepidemiology

O. Pharmacovigilance

P. Pharmacy Practice and Pharmacoepidemiology

Q. Pregnancy and Lactation

R.  Rare Disease

S.  Safety Outcomes

T. Traditional Medicines

U. Vaccines

V.  Other related fields

Abstract format

Abstract title: must not exceed 12 words.

Abstract text: must not exceed 300 words (excluding the Title, Authors, and Affiliations).

Do not enter the abstract title or authors’ details in this section and do not reference institution names, locations, graphics, tables or funding sources in the abstract.


Abstracts should include the following headings:







Author names and affiliations:

Up to 15 authors and affiliations may be included on each abstract. All authors must have consented to the abstract submission.


Abstract acknowledgement

You will receive an email acknowledging receipt of your abstract submission. If you do not receive this email and, after checking your spam/junk folder, please contact Expert Events via acpe@expertevents.com.au.

Abstract review process

All submitted abstracts will be reviewed by at least 3 reviewers.


In evaluating each abstract, reviewers will be unaware of authors or institutions involved with the work described in the abstract. (Abstracts will be suitably anonymised by the program secretariat before being sent out to reviewers).


The Program Committee will assign accepted abstracts either to oral or poster presentation, and the reviewers’ decision is final.

Notification of acceptance

The Organising Committee reserves the right to accept or decline any submissions and to select the presentation format.


Presenting authors will be notified of their acceptance status on Friday 19 July 2024 and must inform any co-author(s).


Presenter Registration

All presenting authors must have registered and paid to attend the conference by Sunday 4 August 2024.


Accepted abstracts will be published in the conference program only if the presenting author has registered for the conference.

Newcomer track abstract submission

Newcomer track abstract submission is NOW CLOSED.

The newcomer track is a special track designed for early-career researchers and students who are new to the field of pharmacoepidemiology.

This track provides an opportunity for newcomers to present their research and to receive feedback from more experienced researchers in the field. Eligible individuals can submit an abstract of original research related to pharmacoepidemiology, and if accepted, will present their work as an oral / poster presentation during the conference.

The aim is to provide a platform for newcomers to showcase their work, gain experience in presenting their research, and receive feedback from experienced researchers in the field.

Newcomer abstract submission deadline: Monday 6 May 2024
Notification of reviewer’s comments and suggestions: Wednesday 22 May 2024

Newcomer abstract re-submission portal open: Wednesday 22 May 2024

Final abstract submission deadline:  Monday  10 June 2024

Notification of acceptance/regrets:  Friday 19 July 2024

Important Notes:

  • The first author listed for each abstract is considered to be the presenting author who will be the primary contact for all correspondence regarding the abstract.
  • Presenting authors are responsible for proofreading before submission. No edits will be allowed in submitted abstracts for typing, spelling, or grammatical errors.
  • Abstracts which are not correctly formatted will not be reviewed.
  • Abstracts must be submitted in English.
Criteria for newcomer track abstract submission

To be eligible to submit abstract under the Newcomer track, you must be:

  • Student: Individuals who are currently enrolled in an undergraduate, graduate, and/or doctoral research program (early years) in pharmacoepidemiology or a related field can be considered newcomers.
  • Early career researcher: Researchers who have recently completed their PhD or postdoctoral fellowship in pharmacoepidemiology or a related field and are in the early stages (< 2 years) of their career can be considered newcomers.
  • Low-income and middle-income country researcher: Researchers who are from low-income and middle-income countries and who are in the early stages of their career (< 3 years) can be considered newcomers.
  • First-time presenter: Researchers who have not previously presented their work at an international conference can be considered newcomers.
  • Junior faculty: Researchers who are in the early stages of their faculty career.
Presentation types

Oral presentation:

15 minutes (10 minutes for presentation and 5 minutes questions).

Presenting in-person at the University of Tokyo, Japan.


Poster presentation: 

Presenting in-person at the University of Tokyo, Japan. In-person presenters will print an A0 (1189 mm high x 841 mm wide) size poster to display in the poster gallery and must be in attendance at their poster at a specific time to discuss with interested attendees. 

Abstract submission topics

Topics for abstract submission are:

A.  Benefit-Risk Assessment, Communication and Evaluation (BRACE)

B.  Biologics / Biosimilars

C.  Disease Epidemiology / Clinical Course

D.  Drug Effectiveness

E.  Drug Utilization Research 

F.  Environmental Pharmacoepidemiology

G.  Geriatric Pharmacoepidemiology

H.  Health Economics / Outcomes Research

I.  Health Equity

J.  Informatics

K.  Methods in Pharmacoepidemiology 

L.  Molecular Epidemiology / Biomarkers / Pharmacogenetics

M. Medical Devices

N. Pediatric Pharmacoepidemiology

O. Pharmacovigilance

P. Pharmacy Practice and Pharmacoepidemiology

Q. Pregnancy and Lactation

R.  Rare Disease

S.  Safety Outcomes

T. Traditional Medicines

U. Vaccines

V.  Other related fields

Abstract format

Abstract title: must not exceed 18 words.

Abstract document: Abstract must be uploaded as a word document.

Please ensure you used the A5 word template.

Abstracts should include the following headings:






Author names and affiliations:

Up to 15 authors and affiliations may be included on each abstract. All authors must have consented to the abstract submission.


Abstract acknowledgement

You will receive an email acknowledgement receipt of your abstract submission. If you do not receive this email and, after checking your spam/junk folder, please contact Expert Events via acpe@expertevents.com.au.

Abstract review process

All submitted abstracts will be reviewed by experienced researchers in the field.

Abstracts will be suitably anonymised by the program secretariat before being sent out to reviewers.

In evaluating each abstract, reviewers will provide comments and suggestions to authors on their first submission.

After final submission, the Program Committee will assign accepted abstracts to either an oral or poster presentation, and the reviewers’ decision is final.

Notification of acceptance

The Organising Committee reserves the right to accept or decline any submissions and to select the presentation format.

Presenting authors will be notified of their acceptance status on Friday 19 July 2024 and must inform any co-author(s).

Presenter Registration

All presenting authors must have registered and paid to attend the conference by Sunday 4 August 2024.

Accepted abstracts will be published in the conference program only if the presenting author has registered for the conference.


All enquiries regarding abstracts and the submission process should be directed to the ACPE16 Program Secretariat, Expert Events.

PO Box 351, Hamilton Central QLD 4007 Australia
Tel: +61 7 3848 2100 | Email: acpe@expertevents.com.au